Award Winning
commercial property solutions

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Property Type: Investment (clear) | Location: Wellingborough (clear) | Tenure: Freehold (clear) | Minimum Size: 0 (clear) | Maximum Size: 20000 (clear) |
FOR SALE: Take-Away Premises with Flat Above And Development Opportunity
1197 Sq Ft
FOR SALE: Take-Away Premises with Flat Above And Development Opportunity

Variety of Uses Subject to planning / consent


23500 Sq Ft
Variety of Uses Subject to planning / consent

Investment for sale - For further information, view property
3500 Sq Ft
Investment for sale - For further information, view property

FOR SALE - For Further Information 'View Property'
2040 Sq Ft
FOR SALE - For Further Information 'View Property'

FOR SALE - For Further Information 'View Property'
2171 - 35158 Sq Ft
FOR SALE - For Further Information 'View Property'